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I am a makeup artist and was looking for a pure Olive Oil without any additives and got my hands on this one from ASBAH. As Olive Oil deep moisturizes skin , we use it for the better results in makeup and making it last for long period.
Highly recommended this!!!
I am a Blogger and a Model, in my profession we have to take care of our skin so I was looking for multi-functional serum that can minimize my deep wrinkles and reduces age spots and came across this one from Treeology. I use this Stay Young Powershot serum, along with Stay Young T and S zone cream, I use it twice a day. I feel the change in my skin after few uses only. I highly recommend this.
I was looking for some natural products and came to know about ASBAH’s Onion range. This products are a unique blend of ancient Ayurveda and Morden science. After using this products, my hair feels much more soft and healthy after few uses only.